Ever wanted to think and be more like Sherlock Holmes? Here are 10 ways you can be more like the famously clever detective (sans the excessive drug use).
1. Use all of your senses.
When Holmes is on a case examining clues, he looks at them, smells them and touches them. I mean, I get it. Why just read a book when you can also smell it, am I right?
2. Write everything down.
Not all of us are equipped with a mind or memory as glorious as Sherlock's, so for those of us who need a little extra help remembering, it's a good idea to keep a diary of the things you observe. Taking notes and writing things down forces our minds to pay more attention to certain situations.

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3. Keep good working relationships with people.
Sherlock Holmes may not be the most sociable (or polite) creature but he still maintains a level of professionalism with those he works amongst: the inspectors at Scotland Yard, Watson and very occasionally, his brother Mycroft!
4. Challenge yourself.
Sherlock often says that he needs the challenge of a difficult case to keep his mind active. He gets bored easily and finds that a challenging case suppresses his need for more *ahem* unhealthy vices. Try doing a crossword or Sudoku puzzle every day to buff up those brain muscles!
5. Be selective with those you keep around you.
Holmes is very choosy when it comes to people he spends regular time with. Dr. Watson is the first and really, the only, person who he fully lets into his world. They complement each other and Watson is intelligent enough to keep up with Sherlock (to a degree!). In the end, it's better to have a few very close people you can trust than loads of people who would throw you under the bus for the last biscuit.

Source: https://tenor.com/
6. Educate yourself.
Whilst Sherlock may not be au fait with what most of us would consider general knowledge, when he's on a case, he never jumps to the most obvious answer. He asks questions and challenges what the 'normal' assumption would be. Never stop asking questions and keep that curious streak!
7. Keep an open mind.
Any kind of bias or prejudice has no place in either detective work or in life. Sherlock Holmes never twists the facts just to suit his theories. He looks for hard evidence and looks at things from all angles before making any kind of judgement.
8. Find a hobby you love to help you relax.
We all need something we can escape into. It's difficult being a human sometimes and we need to switch our minds off and just rest by doing something we enjoy. Sherlock has his violin, and so should you find something that keeps you from going completely insane.
9. Be someone people can rely on.
The professionals at Scotland Yard are continually asking for the help of the amateur detective. He may not be easy to deal with but boy is he reliable when it comes to solving cases! Be that friend or that colleague who people come to when they need help.
10. Have fun.
"The game is afoot!" At the end of the day, don't waste time on things that bore you. It just isn't worth it.
Hi,I am from Bangladesh.We have a character called Misir Ali in our Bangla literature.He is more like Holmes but,Holmes is far more better I guess.Although,Ali inspired me first to be more observant.I am
trying my best nowadays.
I want to be a detective when I grow up so i will do my best